Frequently Asked Questions
Our Top FAQ
Q: Does it matter where the water comes from?
The source of the water is very important because it determines what actions need to be taken. The source of the water affects what’s salvageable and how quickly issues can escalate. Our certified professionals will help to diagnose this right away.
Q: What can I do if I have water damage?
Always first eliminate the source of the water if possible or shut off the main valve. Turn off the circuit breakers if safe to do so.
Q: How long does it take to dry my house?
This depends on the level of water damage as well as the type of materials and environment in your home. This is also highly dependent on the level of water moisture that is captured inside of the building materials in your home. The proper way is based on the science of drying and meeting a pre-determined drying goal (the “dry standard”). We will be constantly metering to evaluate your home to diagnose the contamination, damage, and cost with the goal of drying for the lowest possible cost and least amount of repairs and reconstruction needed.
Q: How do I know if what I see in my house is mold or not?
The only person who can identify whether what you’re seeing is actually mold or not is an indoor environmental hygienist. The technical term for “mold” is microbial growth, or fungi which feeds off the organic material in your home. These organic materials could be many things from your walls to your carpets to almost anything in your home outside of things like concrete. Depending on the season of year or moisture in the air, the microbial growth can be dormant or reanimate. As more moisture goes into the air (damp basements) the growth will reanimate and can release micro toxins that could potentially be harmful to those susceptible. If you feel that you have growth in your home we’d suggest calling professionals. If diagnosed that you have mold in your home you will want certified professionals to come out and remediate it properly.
Q: If I have a sump pump failure am I covered by insurance?
Your sump pump can fail from a lack of power or too much inflow of water exceeding the ability to pump out. When this happens, the damage can get costly fast. Most homeowners’ insurance policies do not cover damage from sump pump failures. We highly recommend speaking with your insurance agent or company on how you can purchase a separate product or endorsement to make sure you’re covered in this event. If you do have an event where your sump pump fails and you are experiencing water damage you should document as much as possible with photos and videos (pictures are great and videos can be even better).
Q: How does this all work with my insurance?
We always recommend speaking to your agent right away to understand what your coverage is. When purchasing your home insurance it is important that you understand what is and what is not covered in your policy. Whether your damage is covered by insurance depends on the type of issue and the root cause. Our certified technicians will diagnose the root cause, explain exactly how the process works, and work with your insurance company to streamline the process while keeping you in the loop every step of the way.
Q: What if I have water/sewage backup?
Water backups can create costly damage. You should understand your policy and coverage for water/sewage backup, they can be fairly inexpensive and can save you headaches when something happens. The best way to think about the damage is to picture what could be damaged if water-borne materials come up into your home and spread through your basement (or main floor if you don’t have a basement) – flooring, baseboards, walls, contents, etc.
Q: Can I do this stuff myself?
Certain smaller issues may be able to be handled on your own and we will always suggest that if best for you, but understanding the presence of microbial growth/length of time water has been present and what safety considerations should be taken are important. You want to make sure that certain precautions are taken before making the problem worse by microbial growth growing (length of time with water down will promote microbial growth).
Q: What happens after you've gotten rid of the water or microbial growth?
At Bedrock, we are a full-service licensed General Contracting company and will be with you from the moment you call us until your property is completely restored and your family or business is fully satisfied.
Q: What is typically covered with my flood insurance?
Note that homeowners insurance is not flood insurance, that is purchased separately. You should first check with your insurance agent or company on your specific policy. It is important to understand the different structures and contents of your home and how each of them are covered. See below for a helpful illustration from the MN Department of Natural Resources.